
What this blog is about

A few weeks ago, one of our consultants told me he'd been reading Dominic Cummings' blog. "there's some good stuff in there", he said. I looked at him sideways, slightly alarmed but not quite sure whether he was joking. Steve (not his real name) is a bright guy. One of our very brightest, in a very offbeat way. I assumed if he said it was interesting, it was interesting. But Cummings is not my kind of guy. An architect of the Vote Leave campaign , he is very much not my political cup of tea. But I checked his blog. On reading, you rapidly realize he is a smart guy. Smart, creative and dangerous. A lot has been written about the Vote leave campaign, the role of Cambridge Analytica and the use of "weaponized information". Reading my twitter, I see what I assume are the results of this action every day. People trotting out a stream of sound bytes that they passionately believe... "We all know what we voted for",  "getting our country back&q